Indoor Self Storage
Love your stuff? We'll take care of it.

With 41% of marriages lasting less than 25 years, and many more couples experiencing relationship break-up, you are not alone when it comes to needing a secure space to store your possessions. We will do everything we can to make the process smooth and stress-free.

Staying in control

Sorting out a safe place for your possessions brings practical and emotional benefits.

On a pragmatic level, you can keep tighter control over what’s yours and sort through what you are going to need going forwards.

As well as taking away the worry of keeping your belongings secure, you will also have a calm, private space you can visit at any time to unwind and take stock of your situation.

Please be assured that our team will treat you in a kind, sensitive and non-judgmental manner. Our priority is caring for your belongings, giving you the space to focus on rebuilding your life.

A smart way to secure your assets

Losing control of your possessions during a divorce or break-up can be devastating. The sooner you secure your assets under lock and key, the better.

Indoor Self Storage facilities are protected by a security gate, perimeter fencing and bright security lighting. Your locked and alarmed storage room will be under 24 hour CCTV surveillance, and you will be the only key-holder.

Keeping joint possessions in storage

If the items you intend to store with us are jointly owned or likely to be disputed, it is important to get legal advice as soon as possible and to be transparent about what is being stored. This will ensure you can’t be accused of hiding assets.

Using a self storage room gives you time to take an inventory and to avoid throwing out items before coming to a legal agreement with your ex.

5 star rating
"Excellent storage facilities with excellent friendly service.Kept me informed."

Flexible terms and easy access

Don’t pay for empty space! Unlike containers, which come in standard sizes, we offer storage rooms of various dimensions. We also provide flexible storage durations and easy access for vehicles.

You are the sole key-holder

Joint access to storage can become complicated during relationship break-up. Only you will have the key or padlock code to your storage room, giving you complete control over access.

Protect important documents

Indoor Self Storage gives you space to protect and organise any documents you might need for divorce and dissolution proceedings. You can purchase archive boxes on-site to help with this.

Indoor Self Storage Company Icon

Ready to get started?

We understand that a need for storage usually means change which often leads on to a rollercoaster of emotions connected to your past and future. So whether you are moving home, starting university, starting or scaling up a business or downsizing following a bereavement, we will really listen to what you need – over a cuppa if that helps! We have many years behind us of successfully helping customers in your situation and can’t wait to help you free up space in your life.

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Business Storage Solutions

Are you a business looking to securely store your tools and equipment or archive sensitive documents? Perhaps you are an online business in need of somewhere to hold your stock, or a small business looking to store some excess inventory. Whatever your business needs, our storage rooms are the ideal solution, allowing you the extra space you need to run and grow your business with the flexibility to scale up or down whenever you need.

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