Indoor Self Storage
Love your stuff? We'll take care of it.

As the days get longer and the leaves start to grow back, it’s time to start considering switching out your winter wardrobe for fewer layers. This can be an exciting season of new possibilities and opportunities, but also a bit overwhelming if you have too many clothes and little space, especially when you need to find room for bulky wear. 

Here are five tips to help declutter your cupboard in preparation for the changing season. 

Start with a clean slate 

Take everything out of your cupboard first. Yes, that means everything! This is a great way to give yourself a fresh start and see how much stuff you have in there. Take this opportunity to throw away any items that are worn out or no longer fit – and don’t forget about those shoes!  

Pro Tip: get rid of anything sitting around collecting dust – that you haven’t worn in the past year.  

Choose quality over quantity 

When deciding which pieces should stay and which should go, always prioritise quality over quantity. Keep items you know will last through multiple seasons, rather than items that fall apart after just one wear or wash cycle. Invest in timeless classics like a good leather jacket or cashmere sweater – these pieces will never go out of style – and they’ll last you through many years of changing trends. 

Utilise vertical space

If you find yourself running out of room on the floor or shelves, don’t forget all the vertical space available in your cupboard! Utilise all those empty walls by hanging up clothing racks or shelves to store extra items such as hats, scarves, bags, etc. This also helps keep everything more organised, so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for. 

Colour coordinate 

Another way to maximise space in your cupboard is by colour coordinating all your clothes according to hue (e.g., light blue next to dark blue). Not only does this make it easier to find pieces while getting dressed, but it also helps create an aesthetically pleasing look when opening up your cupboard door each morning! Plus, colour coordination can even make small cupboards look bigger. 

Swap and donate 

If you still have too many clothes after going through all these steps, consider swapping some items with friends or donating them to charity instead of throwing them away. Not only does this help save resources, but it also gives access to other people who may not be able to afford new items.  

Pro Tip: if swapping and donating is NOT an option, rent a storage unit with Indoor Self Storage to give yourself more cupboard space. 

Decluttering your closet doesn’t have to be a daunting task! Make sure you take the time this season (or any season) to go through your clothes and evaluate what should stay and what should go so that when seasons change, you’ll be ready with plenty of room for new additions!  

Indoor Self Storage provides a personal storage solution to enable you to store your seasonal clothes and access them when needed. Call us on 01803835777 to learn more! 

Happy organising! 

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